Monday 19 March 2018

I missed a weekend.  Well actually I worked in the garage for the last two weekends and never got round to writing about it.  I put the second side of the suspension together which was much easier than the first because I knew what I was doing.

Then I turned my attention to the anti-roll bar which was very enjoyable to fit even though it took me ages to work out what thread the mounting bolts were.  I thought they'd be UNF but I couldn't quite get the guts to just plug a tap into it and clear out the paint.  In the end I did and it worked out well.

The day day I put the brake back plates on and instantly knew something wasn't right.  When I tightened up the bolts I lost smoothness in the kingpin.  Not sure why and a bit confused at the thought of the stub axel being bent out of line by the back plate I took a pause and caught advice from others.

That was last weekend.   This weekend I took off the plates and instantly saw the culprit, the kingpin was rubbing on the backplate.  a fresh metal gauge shows in the photo below.

I got the angle grinder out and modified the backplate, painted it and installed it on the car.  Hey presto, a perfectly smooth kingpin, phew.

I then turned my attention to the steering.  I stripped down the steering box and noticed that there were some ball bearings loose in it.  Now I hadn't planned on actually stripping this but now it was apparent that I would need to so apart it came.  Quite glad I did as I will replace the felt washer at the top of the column.

I cleaned out the box itself and then ground down the shaft before painting it and the idler box and a few other bits and pieces.

Whilst I was looking for the clamp at the top of the column that sits off the support for the steering wheel I discovered a bag with amongst other things a rubber for the front suspension and thought that it was odd that I had one as I wasn't aware of it.  Only then did I realise that I hadn't fitted it to the pan it was supposed to be attached to before I installed the suspension.  Damn, I have to take it all apart again.  Oh well.


  1. Congratulations. This is a great compilation of notes, better than I'm doing! I came across this looking for photos of BN1 seeing boxes. I have a similar story ongoing, bought a '54 BN1 in 2012. It was in pieces and boxes taken apart in the mid '80s. It's almost a rolling chassis again. HA! I thought I'd be finished with a running car in less than 5 years. Good luck and please keep the notes and photos coming.

  2. Thanks Ray, Have you seen the Austin Healey Experience web site? (

    Do you have a blog?

    Good luck
