Sunday 30 December 2012

So, another opportunity to get in the garage taken and the last part of the chassis attached, excellent.  Put the shroud on and indeed it is starting to look like a car.

However, it is not all plain sailing as it is clear that the bulkhead is not quite in the correct position.  You can see the front chassis legs are a little covered by the shroud but the left hand leg is clearly covered more.  This is because the shroud is not parallel with the centre line of the car.  The photo below shows the bonnet hinges are out as well.

So when I go back to what I have done previously I note that the main bulkhead position came from the chassis legs that drop from the bulkhead to the suspension turrets as pictured above.  When I originally put the bulkhead on the new chassis I struggled to get the legs to sit flush against the turrets and the near side leg is already 5-6mm away from the turret and it is this leg that needs to go further back by another 5mm or so.  I am a little worried that the turret is incorrectly positioned.  On the photo one can see that the plate that the shock mounts onto is slightly further forward on the off side turret.  plenty to ponder over the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good! One step forward, two back.
